Friday, February 19, 2010

First Day of the Rest of My Life

I wieghed in this morning... something I have refused to do these last few weeks. I have decided that I want to lose 50lbs. I originally was only going to lose the 30lbs I gained, but I want to get down to the weight I was when I was married, so this is my goal. I'm not very good at measuring my body, but I'm going to try, so that if I don't seem to be losing the weight very quickly, perhaps I'll still see the inches fall off :).

Here is my plan of attack for now:

Diet: I am currently a member of Weight Watchers Online. My daily points allowance is 29, and I do plan on using the extra 35 points a week if needed. What I like about WW is that I'm able to incorporate all kinds of different foods while gaining an understanding of food itself. For instance, I grabbed a yogurt parfait the other day at a fast food restaurant, thinking I was doing myself a favor, only to find out it was worth 5 points! I plan on eating 3 meals and 2 snacks, with 2 - 3 hours in between each one.

Exercise: I will be doing the P90x program along with jogging 2 miles on the treadmill a few days a week.

When I feel the need to eat out of boredom, anger, emotional anything, I will instead read something out of the bible or recite a verse a few times. I want to overcome my "emotional eating", and filling my soul with spiritual food will be a great alternative!

I also will be trying out new foods, drinks, recipes, etc., and I will blog about the experiences. I'm always on the look out for good substitues for my favorite foods, and of course, I'll hardly ever pay full price!

Here's an overview of Goals:

My Big Goals:
-Lose 50lbs
-Be able to pass an Army PT Test. Requirements: 17 Push ups in 2 min, 50 Sit Ups in 2 min and a 2 mile run in 19:36.

My Mini Goals:
-Lose 5lbs, Lose 10lbs, etc. I'm going to work in 5lb incriments.
-Be able to do 1 real military style push up. No knees.
-Run a 2 mile the entire time at 5 mph.

Eyebrows Waxed. Fun, huh?
Hair Colored/Cut

Getting closer to my Saviour.
Feel healthier.
To be comfortable in my clothing!
Trip to the Bahamas in September.
Trying on Bridesmaid dresses in June.
ATC in the Fall/Winter
Natalie's Wedding!
Family Reunion in July.
Hiking with the family for a day. (can you believe it?!)
Enjoying summer with my children more than I did the last year, going swimming, etc.

I have plenty of motivation, so let's go!

I'm sure I'll be adding more as time goes by, but for right now, this is where I'm at. I'm very excited to start all of this! I also be putting up pictures here soon and as I progress. :)

Thank you for all of you who will be reading this blog and holding me accountable. Please leave comments occasionally so I know you're there!


Tracy said...

Erin, What is your weakness? Sweet, salty, etc.? Do you have a plan for this? I always find if I allow myself to have a little of what I'm wanting then it's helpful. Otherwise, I just keep eating everything trying to satisfy my desire for what I really want. I hope that makes sense? What wonderful goals! I am going to be working on some fitness goals also. I will post them when I decide. Love you!

Erin said...

My weakness is definitely chocolate. It's the one thing I've learned I always need to allow into my life! Thanks for your advice. I love you!

Ashley said...

I have heard if you eat three or four nuts it will satisfy a sweet craving. If you absolutely cannot live without chocolate they make individually wrapped super dark chocolate that isn't too many calories. I weighed myself and I am around 148 at 5 foot 2 inches... which according to BMI, is right there on that big ole fat line. :D So, my first goal is to get to 130, and in a -year- be down to 120. Which is healthy. The last time I was at 120 it was because I was hyper morning sick with Luke and couldn't keep anything down. :| so goal: be to 120 and not be barfing all the time. I love you girl, I *know* you can do it!!!